xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Kate Farrall: three thoughts on the studio

Sunday, June 17, 2007

three thoughts on the studio

a nasal-y land far away
one day long ago, in a nasal-y land far away i had an executive director of an art gallery chide me for borrowing a friend's studio for a critic's visit. he said that he really wanted to see my studio, where the stuff was actually made. he sounded sincere, as if he was being robbed of a true studio visit. i tried to convince him that my studio was far less exciting, mostly because i didn't really have a studio. I had a cramped, shared darkroom comprised of a yellow 'bug' light, chemical-stained cinder block walls, sink and a huge vacuum-sealed plate-maker/exposure device. I did, and still do, most of my work and thinking outside of what people would call the studio.

the visit
there is a strange and intoxicating/ capturing/ intriguing idea that by visiting a studio, you can demystify the art. even i have fallen for this. perhaps it's because it's a place where you can see the unfinished product, a space where it's safe to talk with the maker and see more clues as to how the work was made. All are of interest but nearly impossible to do on a regular basis.

opportunity is where you are so quit looking for it elsewhere.
i've been trying to take this quote to heart. It has prompted further investigation into my own world and blending of worlds. the yard is a place where investigation is key. there is so much in my own back yard that i don't know about. it's mine, shouldn't i know the details? shouldn't i find opportunity in my own back yard? or at my desk at work? or in-between moving from point a to point b? in some respects i've always embraced this idea —exemplified by not really having a dedicated studio space but i’m sure i could learn and create more by seeking out opportunities in my surroundings more than I do.

so all of my images live in this virtual blog/studio where it won’t get dusty or cluttered and where friends can visit any time. even though i now have a studio, it winds up functioning as a catch-all. so, until I can get it cleaned up and more in the habit of working in there, the studio tour will stay virtual and the kitchen table my main place of work.

1 comment:

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

This is a wonderful read. I belive that part of being an artist is to think outside of the box. It is important to think outside of the studio, so to speak, as you are doing.