xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Kate Farrall: February 2012

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Guest Posts - Lost At E Minor - Are Up!

I was asked to contribute posts to www.lostateminor.com, an online publication of inspiring art, design and pop culture. My posts are up so check them out. They focus on artists in the Sacramento area, a place where so much great artwork is being created that I wanted to share it with a broader audience.  Each artist below is linked to their independent posts.

 Lisa Fernald Barker

 Gale Hart

 Nathan Cordero

 Trent Liddicoat

 Jason Malmberg

 Rogelio Manzo

 Amy Green

Several of the artists have been deservedly ”starred”  to show that their work is a LostAtEMinor favorite. I love seeing people tweeting and faccebook “liking” these artists!